Special Note:

Emerging Writer Fellowship—Deadline to apply is Monday March 10th at 11:59pm ET.

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Agent: Leah Pierre

Leah Pierre (Agent)

Leah Pierre


A Texas native, Leah briefly moved to the East Coast to attend Rosemont College to pursue her dream of working, in publishing. Not long after graduating with her B.A. in English and History, Leah found an agency home at Ladderbird Literary Agency as a Junior Agent and now, after five years, has grown to become a Senior Agent and a member of the AALA and an alum of their LAOC mentorship. In addition to agenting, Leah has a background in freelance editing through her work with RevPit and the WNBA’s Authentic Voices Program, and through her time studying under the Tessera Editorial mentorship and the Author Accelerator book coaching program. While establishing her career, Leah returned to her alma mater to pursue her M.A. in Publishing. After having accomplished her dream of working in publishing, she moved back to Texas to begin her next adventure and continue searching for the next PB, YA, or Adult project that will hook her (or make her cry). She is a tenacious advocate for BIPOC writers and is always looking for ways to bring more diverse intersectionality to the publishing industry.

Leah likes to spend her time enjoying the company of fictional characters more than people. But when not in the company of fictional characters, she likes to crochet, hike, travel, hang out with friends and family, and catch up on the movies and TV shows she is always behind on.

Leah Pierre's Availability During Manuscript Mart Week:

  • Wednesday, May 14: 2:00–4:00 & 4:00–7:00
  • Thursday, May 15: 4:00–7:00
  • Friday, May 16: 1:00–4:00 & 4:00–7:00
  • Saturday, May 17: 10:00–1:00 & 1:00–4:00

Zoom Meetings with Leah will be scheduled within these time periods (all EDT), but are subject to change. If Leah must make a change to this schedule, we will arrange a mutually agreeable Zoom time outside of Manuscript Mart Week.

What I'm Looking For

Fantasy, romance, and mystery/thriller

Sample Titles or Authors

Something Like Right by H.D. Hunter
Love in 280 Characters or Less by Ravynn K. Stringfield
Love Requires Chocolate by Ravynn K. Stringfield

Specializes In / Will Consider

FICTION: Children's, Fantasy, Picture Books, Romance, Young Adult, Mystery, Graphic Novels, Horror, Science Fiction, Thrillers/Suspense