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Literary Magazine Editor: José Araguz

José Araguz ( Literary Magazine Editor)

José Araguz


José Angel Araguz, Ph.D. is most recently the author of the lyric memoir Ruin & Want (Sundress Publications) as well as the poetry collections Rotura (Black Lawrence Press) and La esperanza espera (Valparaiso Ediciones). His poetry and prose have appeared in Prairie Schooner, Poetry International, The Acentos Review, and Oxidant | Engine, among other places. He is an Assistant Professor at Suffolk University, where he serves as Editor-in-Chief of Salamander, and is also a faculty member of the Solstice Low-Residency MFA Program. He blogs and reviews books at his personal site, The Influence.

José Araguz's Availability During Manuscript Mart Week:

  • Tuesday, May 13: 10:00–1:00 & 1:00–4:00
  • Wednesday, May 14: 10:00–1:00 & 1:00–4:00
  • Thursday, May 15: 1:00–4:00
  • Friday, May 16: 1:00–4:00
  • Saturday, May 17: 10:00–1:00 & 1:00–4:00

Zoom Meetings with José will be scheduled within these time periods (all EDT), but are subject to change. If José must make a change to this schedule, we will arrange a mutually agreeable Zoom time outside of Manuscript Mart Week.

What I'm Looking For

At Salamander, we publish poetry, fiction, and nonfiction. We value writing that is crafted with intention while also keeping an eye on human connection and insight. We work to be inclusive of writers from marginalized communities at any stage of their career.

Sample Titles or Authors

An Octopus Has Three Hearts, by Vera Kroms (poetry)
The Plague of Frogs, by Julie Marie Wade (creative nonfiction)
Americanos, by A.J. Rodriguez (fiction)