Darcy Gagnon ( Literary Magazine Editor)
Darcy Jay Gagnon is an essayist from Washington D.C. and a senior nonfiction editor for The Rumpus. You can find his essays in Gulf Coast, Essay Daily, March Xness, and The Rumpus.
Darcy Gagnon's Availability During Manuscript Mart Week:
- Tuesday, May 13: 10:00–1:00 & 4:00–7:00
- Wednesday, May 14: 10:00–1:00 & 1:00–4:00
- Thursday, May 15: 10:00–1:00 & 1:00–4:00
- Friday, May 16: 10:00–1:00 & 1:00–4:00
Zoom Meetings with Darcy will be scheduled within these time periods (all EDT), but are subject to change. If Darcy must make a change to this schedule, we will arrange a mutually agreeable Zoom time outside of Manuscript Mart Week.
What I'm Looking For
The Rumpus publishes anything, but we would love to see more hybrid or research intensive writing.
Sample Titles or Authors
Lesley Jenike
Lucas Mann
Alina Stefanescu
Specializes In
Nonfiction: Cultural/Social Issues, LGBTQIA+, Food & Lifestyle, History, Music, Nature/Ecology, Pop Culture, Travel, Men's concerns, Multicultural/Global Perspectives, Current Affairs, Memoir, Humor, Narrative