Special Note:

Emerging Writer Fellowship—Deadline to apply is Monday March 10th at 11:59pm ET.

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Literary Magazine Editor: Allison Wright

Allison Wright ( Literary Magazine Editor)

Allison Wright


Allison Wright is the publisher and executive editor of the Virginia Quarterly Review. Her writing has appeared in CNN, The Atlantic, VQR, Popular Mechanics, Literary Hub, and elsewhere. She holds a PhD in American Studies and teaches journalism and media studies at the University of Virginia, where she is an affiliate of the Center for Health Humanities & Ethics and a member of the Native & Indigenous Relations Community.

Allison Wright's Availability During Manuscript Mart Week:

  • Tuesday, May 13: 10:00–1:00 & 4:00–7:00
  • Wednesday, May 14: 10:00–1:00 & 1:00–4:00
  • Thursday, May 15: 10:00–1:00 & 1:00–4:00
  • Friday, May 16: 10:00–1:00 & 1:00–4:00

Zoom Meetings with Allison will be scheduled within these time periods (all EDT), but are subject to change. If Allison must make a change to this schedule, we will arrange a mutually agreeable Zoom time outside of Manuscript Mart Week.

Specializes In

poetry (all forms)
narrative nonfiction

submission guidelines: https://www.vqronline.org/about-vqr/submissions