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  • Event
  • BWOC

Writers, Agents, and Editors of Color Meet-Up

Event Description

We invite you to a special meet-up taking place during GrubStreet's Muse and the Marketplace Conference on Saturday, May 11th, 3:00-4:00p.m. at the Hilton Boston Park Plaza Hotel. This gathering will be an opportunity for self-identified BIPOC conference attendees and BWOC members to meet with agents, editors, and authors. We are hoping you can join us for an hour of community building, networking, and a raffle giveaway!

This is a great opportunity to connect with literary professionals and organizations, so be ready for your questions and notes! Featured guests include Muse keynote speaker Jonathan Escoffery, Lesley University's Low Residency MFA program, UMass Boston MFA program, Pangyrus, Women's National Book Association, Onion River Press, MacMillan, Gailot Press, Mystery Writers of America, and more.

Please note that the meet-up is open to all BWOC members and you do not need to be registered for the Muse to attend. However, if you are interested in attending the conference, we are offering a 50% discount for one-day passes to the Muse! The code will be sent to you after you register for this event, or you can find it in the Facebook Group and recent BWOC email to members. The code will expire on April 3rd.
