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Writing/Reading Resources

Writing/Reading Resources

Novel and Memoir Incubator Applications are Open

Many writers spend years toiling away on their books only to get stuck on how to take their work from a good draft to a great manuscript that is ready to approach agents and editors. This is where our Incubators come in, calling all novelists and memoirists - applications for our 2025 Incubator programs will close on Monday, February 10th at 11:59pm EST.

Novel Incubator

The Novel Incubator is a twelve-month intensive program for writers seeking to revise their novels, study the novel form, and gain a thoughtful introduction to the publishing world. Workshops are led by instructor Michelle Hoover, who also provides written feedback and offers prepared lectures on various elements of the craft of novel writing. Apply today!

Memoir Incubator

The Memoir Incubator is a twelve-month intensive program for writers interested in drafting, developing, or revising their memoir drafts. The program includes a comprehensive craft-based study of the memoir form as well as a thoughtful introduction to the memoir publishing market. Apply today!

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