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Special Series

Special Series

Muse and the Marketplace Presenter Spotlight: Christopher Romaguera

Ever wondered how to write a Florida story that would get banned in Florida? At this year’s Muse and the Marketplace conference, in-person May 10-12, author and editor Christopher Romaguera will answer this question in a session about writing a universal story that debunks stereotypes. He has been published in Passages North, Catapult, PANK Magazine, Massachusetts Review, Latino Book Review and other publications. He is a monthly columnist at The Ploughshares Blog and is the Poetry Editor at Peauxdunque Review.

We recently caught up with Christopher to ask him about writing in community, the Muse, networking and more.

GrubStreet: What does the phrase "writing in community" mean to you personally and professionally? Could you share a moment from your career where community support at events like the Muse and the Marketplace made a significant difference?

Christopher Romaguera: I live in New Orleans, where there’s a writing event every day of the week. The beauty of New Orleans’ writing community is that we all push each other up, help each other out. We are all writing the next great book out of New Orleans, another one that grips the city, the country, the world. But we are also all writing, just to write because we need to, for ourselves, for our stories, for our lives, for our dreams. We do all this for each other, because of each other.

GrubStreet: Networking is a vital part of a writer's journey, but can sometimes feel like a new skill for writers to learn. Based on your experiences, what practical advice can you offer to attendees on making the most of networking opportunities at the Muse and the Marketplace? How have connections you've made at events like the Muse and the Marketplace shaped your writing trajectory creatively or opened new doors for you professionally?

Christopher Romaguera: All of us at the Muse have been brought together by our writing. I look forward to getting to know you all, to making our writing community a little bigger, our writing world a little smaller, and a little better, for us, for our fellow writers, and everyone who goes on these journeys with us.

Learn more about the Muse and the Marketplace and register here.

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