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Emerging Writer Fellowship—Deadline to apply is Monday March 10th at 11:59pm ET.

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Special Series

Special Series

Wrapping Up the 2024 Write-A-Thon Today

We did it! Today is our final day of the 2024 Write-A-Thon.

We are so grateful for your participation in the GrubStreet’s Write-A-Thon! We hope that your writing hours were fruitful and satisfying, and know the time you spent will propel you forwards on your storytelling journey.

With your help, the GrubStreet team raised $18,412.90 of our $20,000 fundraising goal. These funds will directly benefit GrubStreet’s Scholarship Fund. If you haven’t already, please make a gift by June 21st to support our efforts! Every gift counts!

We look forward to celebrating tonight at our Write-A-Thon Bash on Friday, June 21st from 6:30-8:00 PM. Join us in applauding your commitment to writing in community with an inspiring panel on Sustaining a Joyful Writing Practice with esteemed Grubbie instructors Theresa Okokon and Elizabeth Santiago, music from Boston-based acclaimed DJ Jo Saint-Surin, and delicious bites and cake.

We hope that throughout the Write-A-Thon you were able to identify what energizes and inspires your writing practice. The Write-A-Thon Facebook group will be available indefinitely as a resource for you to connect with fellow writers. Please keep an eye out for upcoming free events at GrubStreet, and consider joining as a member. We wish you a peaceful summer as you continue to dedicate time to your writing practice.


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