Special Note:

Holiday Hours—Our offices will be closed Tuesday 12/24 through Thursday 12/26 and Tuesday 12/31 through Wednesday 1/1. The Travelmug Café will be closed Monday 12/23 through Wednesday 1/1.

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Literary Events

Literary Events

Muse and the Marketplace 2024: Agent/Editor Spotlight

The Manuscript Mart is a rare opportunity to receive meaningful feedback on your work from an experienced industry professional. Meet three amazing editor/agents who will be at this year's Muse and the Marketplace:

  • Maria Isabelle Carlos - an editor at Haymarket Books in Chicago.
  • Lucy Cleland - a literary agent representing idea-driven and narrative nonfiction of all stripes, upmarket fiction, and select children’s projects.
  • Kiana Nguyen - a literary agent at Donald Maass Literary Agency.

Read more about all of the 2024 available editors and agents and book your appointments before the deadline on Wednesday, April 3.

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