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Muse and the Marketplace 2024—Our three day writing conference that educates you on craft, prepares you for the ever-changing world of publishing, and creates opportunities for networking is happening THIS weekend (May 10-12)!

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Serena Arora

Instructor BWOC

About Serena

Serena Arora is an avid writer, playwright, and screenwriter, while also an actress and performer. She has received a BA in English with a minor in Performance Studies from Boston University. She’s been writing for over 10 years, and has taken over seven creative writing workshops. Further, she has been performing in theatre since 2010 along with writing and directing productions as well. Serena Arora is also a self-published author. Her book is available to purchase on Amazon, it is called "The Beast Within: You are more powerful than your demons" She is available for poetry and personal essay feedback. Her rates are 40/hr.

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